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Saturday, August 4, 2007

Anthony LaCalamita: Insane or Not?

Anthony LaCalimita, a former employee of an accounting firm in Oakland County in my home state of Michigan who reportedly stormed into the building and gunned down three of his former employers and executed a fourth one, is now being "evaluated by a private psychiatrist" to determine whether or not he is "mentally ill."

This is what the Detroit Free Press says in this excerpt of the article:

The man accused of storming a Troy office building in April and shooting three people, killing one, will be evaluated by a private psychiatrist to determine if he was legally insane at the time.

Anthony LaCalamita, 36, has already been found criminally responsible and competent to stand trial by doctors at the state’s forensic center, but today his attorney, Jerome Fenton, asked the trial judge to allow additional testing. Fenton is considering an insanity defense for LaCalamita, who has a long history of mental illness.

Let's cut through the claptrap, shall we? If Calamita is "mentally ill," as some of these psycho-quacks suspect he is, then why is it that experienced and skilled pathologists have never been able to discover and document this so-called illness when they perform routine autopsies?

If anything, LaCalimita knew exactly what he was doing and why he was doing it. The psychiatric state, including its "private psychiatrists," would love you to believe that LaCalimita was not responsible for his actions and that the culpability of his crime rests on the imaginary hands of a brain disease, which is clearly non-existent. If this brain disorder does exist as these experts contend, did it, in the form of whispering voices, order him to purchase a gun to shoot and kill one of his employers and wound the other three in broad daylight?

The hysteria surrounding this malarkey is revolting to the Nth degree.


Christine said...

"why is it that experienced and skilled pathologists have never been able to discover and document this so-called illness when they perform routine autopsies?"

Wow. Do you seriously expect to open somebody's head up and be able to physically observe a difference in their brain? Perhaps you are expecting a tiny Homonculous residing in the "angry urges" part of the cortex? Even if you could pinpoint this elusive brain organism, biological and chemical differences in the brain only account for part of behavior.

It never ceases to amaze me how our society continually wastes time and energy (mostly in the pursuit of economical advantage) in order to treat symptoms of diseases rather than trying to PREVENT them.

Here's a thought; why not set aside your emotional revenge-driven urge (which is not much different than LaCalamita's) and spare my tax dollars to give him a quick painless death (which LaCalamita is most likely praying for since he tried to commit suicide three times) and focus on trying to prevent this type of atrocity from happening again.

Anonymous said...

I actually knew this guy, going back about 13 years and he was a very nice guy(a bit too himself sometimes), was so surprised when I saw his face on the national TV. So I was suspect there is something wrong up there in his head. I feel sorry for the families of the people killed/injured but also for him since I believe he has a mental problem. I guess one can only say that when you knew them personally.

Anonymous said...

I knew him when he was in the seminary I always thought he was way too tightly wrapped and that one day he was going to snap. Everything was serious with Tony and everything except sports had to be taken extremely seriously. Eventually he left the seminary because of his inflexibility.

Anonymous said...

The only thing he needed was regular servicing by his wife (or the street walkers he patronized) to take the edge off. NOTHING about his conduct revealed he was insane, just another narcisstic POS (might have had a common mental illness)who lacked self control and crossed the line. Let's sit back and once again watch his lawyer play blame game, hoping to befuddle one clueless juror, and learn how this dirtbag wasn't responsible for his behavior.

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Anonymous said...

I also knew Tony about 13 years ago and also thought he was a very nice guy, but like other have said he was a little strange keeping things to himself. I feel very sorry for him and his family since I believe he had something going on in his brain which he could not control. Heck I even played racquet ball with him a few times...he was really competitive.